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2021 The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2021) will be held in Beijing, China during 19-20 November, 2021.

Organized by Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology, ICMEM 2021 intends to invite famous scientists, experts, scholars and researchers home and abroad for academic presentations.

The primary goal of ICMEM 2021 is to promote research and developmental activities in Mechanical Engineering and Materials. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in China and abroad. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Mechanical Engineering and Materials and related areas.

Considering the prevalence of covid-19, with a keen focus on the safety and health of all partners and authors, ICMEM 2021 has made a difficult decision to go with online conference.

Accepted papers of ICMEM2021 conference proceedings have been published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series of IOP Publication (Volume: 2101) on 24th November 2021. Link of detail for publication: And ICMEM2021 conference proceedings have been indexed in EI Compendex on 30th December 2021 (会后两个月内ei检索). Details for publication:


Important Date

Submission Deadline: October 10th, 2021
Registration Deadline: October 15th, 2021
Conference Dates: November 19th, 2021 -November 20th, 2021

Submission Method

Please submit your full paper/abstract to us by email to

Listener Registration

If you want to register as LISTENER, please send a message to


For papers submitted to ICMEM 2021, after the peer reviewing process by at least 2-3 experts ,all the accepted papers will be published into International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, et al.

Topics of Interests

ICMEM 2021 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of Mechanical Engineering and Materials. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research. 

Mechanical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering 


Vibration and Sound Engineering

Materials and Technology
Fluids Engineering
Solid Mechanics and Design
Micro/Nano Engineering and Technology
Production Engineering
Robotics and Control
Thermal and Power Engineering
Vehicle Technology
Machine Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics
Intelligent Transport System
Intelligent Monitoring Technology
Innovative Industrial Design

Metallic Alloys

Tool Materials

Ceramics and Glasses
Composite Materials
Amorphous Materials
Smart Materials
Functional Materials
Fuel Materials
Photovoltaic Materials
Nuclear Materials
Magnetic Materials    
Superconducting Materials    
Structured Materials    
Spintronics Materials and Devices


All the authors need to complete the registration first in order for participation. Please choose the correct role to attend the conference and pay the registration fee accordingly.


ICMEM will be held annually as a leading platform for people working in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Materials research to communicate and exchange about their research results and the problems they have encountered during their research. More history information could be seen in navigation bar. ICMEM 2020

2021 The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials Copyright © ICMEM 2021 All rights reserved. 京ICP备18016159号-5